Mini Manna: God Must Be Busy

Brooks and Dunn

The country music duo Brooks and Dunn, performed their song “God Must Be Busy” on the Country Music Awards (CMA) last night. In this sad and moving piece, Ronnie Dunn sings a long list of horrible problems, and expresses the frustration that God isn’t stepping in to set things right.

The song is about doubt. Not the doubt of God’s existence, but that he is not an active and caring God, evidenced by his lack of intervention on the behalf of those petitioning Him.

What, I think, is really conveyed in the song is the conflict created by free will. Most bad things happen because God gives a radical freedom to his people. In this freedom, God does not assert his power over individual will and choices, and allows the consequences to play out. So while God allows bad things to result, he does not cause bad things to happen. God loves us and grieves with us in our pain.

If God is not sending the tragedies, then why not, with his omnipotence, step in and prevent them? At times we experience miracles that suggest the presence of the Divine, but generally we don’t experience much physical intervention.

So is God just too busy? What is God’s role in all this turmoil? Only by coming to terms with a most horrible time in my life, have I come to a personal understanding of the role God plays when tragedies confront me.

God’s role, I feel, is to embrace me, to comfort me, to “lead me beside still waters… [and] restore my soul” as I walk through my personal “Valley of Death“. His “intervention” is to help me heal; help me collect the pieces broken by experience; help me to become Whole again. Whole as I was intended; Whole as I was “wonderfully made”; Whole as I was when “knitted together in my mother’s womb”.


  1. And i think God makes us stronger through pain. How can someone know happiness if they have never experienced pain? God never promised that anything would be easy.


  2. Tyler,

    I feel that pain and suffering might, at times, be a test. A test of our faith, our character, and our love for God. It tends to make us bitter or better.

    Suffering makes us bitter if it leads us to doubt and wrong conclusions about why God has allowed our pain.

    It makes us better if our hearts and minds are opened to the goodness, love, and restoring powers of God.

    ~ Les

  3. I disagree with this song maybe im not understanding it correctly but it sounds like its saying God doesnt care. What about all the miracles he does for people every day? Cures for cancer and other things we take for granted. Do you not think every time you go to the doctor and he gives you medicane to feel better that isnt a mircale from God? No the whole world doesnt pray for peace is that not why were there? That mother will find that God will take care of her and her family. What about the people who survived the tornado? Maybe the girl will be found or what about the other kids that have been found? The chorus….ppl make there own choices he cant force her back. Im not sure about the next verse is it being sarcastic? Thats the bloods and cripes choice to fight. I live in the south and were doin fine. Medicare helps low income ppl with there drugs. Anyway how do you go from i believe to God must be busy?

  4. “‘God Must Be Busy’ is a song about one simple man’s enduring faith and humility,” says Dunn. “He, humbly acknowledges that his personal prayer seems small in light of the world’s turmoils and tragedies but also respects that, despite it all, God is always available to answer even the smallest of prayers.”

  5. […] Must Be Busy” Revisited I wrote a post, Mini Manna: God Must Be Busy, the same night I heard the Brooks & Dunn song on the CMA broadcast. I am taking this […]

  6. This song is totally ignorant to the fact that God has said he shall never leave you nor forsake you. God has given mankind free will to make their own choices and that is just one reason our God is so awesome, b/c you have the choice to worship him or not but he is still their for you and ready to accept you into his everlasting love. If we continue to remove God from our day to day lives he will become powerless b/c he is not going to force you to make the right decisions, however he will show you the way if you are willing to open your heart an allow him to do so.

  7. Thanks for posting about this song which I think is terrific. To me the song is clearly stating that no matter how trivial a need and prayer may be (man-made horror impacting many vs an individual seeking lost love), God is always listening. Reference the songs lyrics “…I know He’s heard my prayers cause He hears everything…” and “… Them prayers work, you know…” . Often we don’t understand why — in our minds — a prayer goes unanswered (only God understands that and will answer accordingly) and we seek answers and yes, many times we rationalize. This poor person’s heart is torn apart and praying for a lost love’s return and trying to understand why their prayer isn’t being answered; not ready to accept that s/he being gone is God’s answer. Thinking about all of the prayers being sent for horrific events s/he rationalizes God must be busy right now and may answer later — a means of coping with the current pain. THANKFULLY, GOD TRULY IS BUSY!. The song nowhere indicates “too busy”, just busy. It is truly amazing that with all of the prayer requests, that God takes time for each and everyone of us — no matter how trivial our need is.

  8. I love the anonymous comment listed in the page. From One Brooks and Dunn fan to another, Cheers and Yeehaw. That is the true message oif the song. As far as religion goes, I’m a hard core Roman Catholic. But I believe that all religions are based on elements of Love, Compassion and Serenity. As for God, I believe along with freewill, he gave us the three greatest gifts of all – Faith, Hope And Love. Faith In Him to work all things right, hope to keep our dreams alive and Love to help us heal and heal others. I have to end with saying, I love Country Music for it’s constant reference to God, Jesus, mamas, papas and children. matter of fact, My favourite song – The River by Garth Brooks talks of God being his captain, the one that guides the gift to shore. Even Unanswered Prayers by Garth Brooks talks of Our Father up above knowing what’s best for us and like a Good FAther only granting us what’s good for US. Experience and Life have sure re inforced the statement of that song for me. Peace To all those that love JC and The Man Upstairs.

  9. Too many typos – wrote it again. Sowwwee.I love the anonymous comment listed in the page. From One Brooks and Dunn fan to another, Cheers and Yeehaw. That is the true message oif the song. As far as religion goes, I’m a hard core Roman Catholic. But I believe that all religions are based on elements of Love, Compassion and Serenity. As for God, I believe along with freewill, he gave us the three greatest gifts of all – Faith, Hope And Love. Faith In Him to work all things right, hope to keep our dreams alive and Love to help us heal and heal others. I have to end with saying, I love Country Music for it’s constant reference to God, Jesus, mamas, papas and children. matter of fact, My favourite song – The River by Garth Brooks talks of God being his captain, the one that guides the ship to shore. Even Unanswered Prayers by Garth Brooks talks of Our Father up above knowing what’s best for us and like a Good FAther only granting us what’s good for US. Experience and Life have sure re inforced the statement of that song for me. Peace To all those that love JC and The Man Upstairs.

  10. I love your song. Having just had my youngest son diagnosed with an incurable genetic disorder, TSC or tuberous sclerosis complex at the age of 3; and finding myself asking “Why God?” “Why give me this child, who now needs to have so much, why make me of all people his mom?” I have been wrapped in despair and darkness like I have never known and thought that the tears would not ever stop. Then, as the darkness lifted there was a small light and peace flooded over me and I knew God was with me and He was holding me. I walked into my sons room and watched him sleeping and knew why God gave me an angel. Life is not always easy, however, it is easier knowing that God is there. God Bless You

  11. Yes, free will is an awesome gift! “God is Love”, but many creatures have chosen to be anything but loving. Satan, Adam, Eve……

    God doesn’t like to see such abuse of free will (Deut 32:4,5). If God was truely loving, he wouldn’t forever allow the suffering that such abuse has caused. Surprise! His tolerance is for a limited time only…Rev 11:18.

    Any terrible atrocity (hope I spelled that righ) that He allows can be set right, a testimony to His power.

    It’s only normal to want the world to be fixed now, but knowing it will happen soon is a great consolation.

  12. I’ve been trying to decide whether or not I like the song. The tune sticks in my head, but those words “God must be busy” kept digging at my sould.

    I couldn’t sleep this morning, so I googled the song. I carefully read the words and saw something I hadn’t seen before. They found the little girl. Right in the middle of the song, hidden in plain sight, they found her. Cold and wet, but they found her.

    Then I found your comments on the word and I think I agree.

    There have been numerous times where I prayed and couldn’t see that God was even paying attention. Because of my faith, I believe He hears me, for some reason he just doesn’t answer (or doesn’t seem to answer). I keep trudging along, knowing that He will do what’s best for me (if I follow His ways).

    It’s in Mark where it’s said “Lord, I believe; help my unbelief!” How much better can you say it?

    Thanks for helping me find the meaning of this song

  13. The way I see it, when people feel like God isn’t answering their prayers they fail to think of the possibility that His answer is simply no. God always answers prayers, just not necessarily the way we would like Him to. It’s all part of His master plan

  14. I love this song and the video, these guys are really a great team. Sorry to see the going seperate ways, will miss them as a duo. Great guys both of them, great voices. Goodluck, hope to see you both again either together or seperate, will be looking forward to whatever is next.

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